The 9th Annual National Veterans Small Business Engagement will be held December 10-11, 2019 in Nashville, Tennessee. This conference is one of the largest business-networking events for Veteran-Owned Small Business suppliers. The event provides an opportunity to network with Government Program Managers and Procurement Decision Makers (PDM) from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
NVSBE is a perfect fit for our Schedule 70 (IT equipment, software and services) partners and our 65IIA (medical equipment and supplies) partners as the two main communities of interest are Medical Supplies & Services and Information Technology Services.
GMP plans to attend this year’s NVSBE event and is already working with some of our partners on booth-sharing opportunities. Contact us today if you are interested in learning more about attending NVSBE this year and having the opportunity to meet face-to-face with key government-buying decision makers from the VA.